Thank you for your interest in the Flint Family Foundation.

Agency Criteria:

The Flint Family Foundation funds only 501(c)3 organizations, and primarily those that qualify as a public charity under Section 509(a)1 or Section 509(a)2 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

The Flint Family Foundation focuses its funding in the Tulsa, Oklahoma geographical area.


The Flint Family Foundation does not financially support fundraising events.

The Flint Family Foundation does not financially support organizations which require individuals to profess any religion or religious beliefs in order to receive services.  Additionally, the use of religious signage, literature, or verbal ministering in agency programming is reviewed and considered during the evaluation process and may negatively impact the funding of a program or agency.

The Flint Family Foundation is not currently funding Capital Campaigns.


Click on the Latest Info tab to learn more about our 2024 plans.

Grant Process:  Process and Timeline

Reporting: Required Reports

Acknowledgments: Thank You Notes