About Us
Previously known as the Charles W. and Pauline K. Flint Foundation, the Flint Family Foundation is a private, family foundation, founded in 1961 by Charles W. Flint, Jr. in honor of his parents.
The Flint Family Foundation is based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and we direct the majority of our funds to organizations that operate in the Tulsa geographical area.
The Flint Family Foundation funds only 501(c)3 organizations, and primarily those that qualify as a public charity under Section 509(a)1 or Section 509(a)2 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
Our current areas of interest will be more trustee centric. Please note that we are not accepting applications in 2024. Click on Latest Info for our current plans.
Robin Flint Ballenger, President
Boofy Seay, Secretary
Tobey Ballenger, Treasurer
Sylvie Flint, Director
Farrell Seay, Director
Sharon Walsh, Executive Director